Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year Resolutions - Check one off the list

We got an early start to the New Year and finished one of the goals we had for the house by putting up some long awaited curtains. While Allison's sister, Amanda, was in town, they, along with their mom, sought out and found some of the best deals in town on curtains. In a matter of one day, we had everything picked out and purchased and ready to hang. All that was left was for me to pull out the laser level and drill and figure out how to hang them. Thanks to one extra day tacked on to the holidays for Pres. Ford's funeral, I was able to check this job off the long, and ever expanding, to-do list. Here are the before and after pics. I say, Job Well Done.


Unknown said...

nice curtains. i like the before and after shots

Unknown said...

nice, very nice. what's up with the pic quality???

Unknown said...

nice, very nice. what's up with the pic quality???