Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Where did January go? Bring Sexy Back

So it's now February and it feels like yesterday that we were bringing in the New Year. Time flies when you're having fun, or mabye just busy. Anyway, we did do a lot around the house and I love how it's starting to look. Allison has me doing something every weekend and we're making progress. To start with we have curtains in the bedroom. A big thanks to Al's mom, Lynne, for helping make the curtains, and for her dad, John, in helping me hang them. It's been almost 6 months since we had curtains hanging in the bedroom and I haven't heard any of our neighbors say anything, but I think they miss the free entertainment every night.

After a month off of school Allison started back up mid January. It was a tough adjustment waking up with me, but she's finally accommated to the early hours. Again she's taking a full load but it doesn't seem to be quite as challenging as previous semesters. We have even had time to enjoy some more concerts. As part of her Christmas gift from our brother-in-law, Aaron Coleman, we went to see Fall Out Boy at the 930 Club. Her brother, Kevin, joined us for the night out on the town. We had a great dinner at Old Ebbitts Grille and then headed to the club. It was a packed house and we spent most of our time squished down front with the die-hard fans, but we had a blast.

And just when you think we couldn't possibly have more fun - we did. We wanted to know who brought Sexy Back, so we went to see JT (Justin Timberlake for all of you that are not up on your pop culture) in concert at the Verizon Center. Once again, Kevin joined us for a night out on the town. This time he brought a date, well almost, he brough his good friend Cy. We had a nice dinner at the swank Oya and then headed to the arena. Allison and I started off in one suite but couldn't see all that well, so we joined Kev and Cy in another suite on a lower level. JT put on a good 2hr show. I was impressed with his stamina, but then again he doesn't work 10hr days like I do.

The beginning of January it was 70 degrees and I went golfing one day. The end of January and the first week of February have been bitter cold. But that didn't stop Kevin and me from standing in the cold for two hours to watch the arrival of POTUS (Pres. of the US), W, or 43 as we call him, land on the south lawn in his helicopter, Marine One. It was fun to watch but our toes were frozen by the end. It'll be spring and 70 degrees before I do that again.

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