Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sick of all these Birthdays

December is a busy month around here as many different family members celebrate their birthday. Our niece, Noelle Coleman, starts us off on the 19th, Allison's brother, Kevin, is on the 20th, her Dad is on the 25th, and Allison, her sister Amanda Coleman, and my Grandmother Brown, all share the 27th. We don't have pictures of each one, but they were all very exciting. We had a breakfast dinner for our niece,Noelle, after which her mom, Amanda, became ill with the stomach virus. The next evening we all had dinner at Cheesecake Factory for Kevin, after which Allison, her Dad, her brother Bryan, and nephew Lincoln became ill with the same stomach virus.
Thursday night me and her Mom caught the virus, followed by her cousin Alex a day later. We thought we were finished with the virus until the following Tuesday, Amanda's husband, who had only been in town a couple of days, fell ill too. At least Christmas day we were virus free. Monday we made homemade pizza's for her Dad's birthday, but unfortunately it was overshadowed by Christmas, which barely beats out the birthday. Wednesday, Allison and Amanda were treated to a morning at the spa and a facial, then some shopping, and finally a dinner at McLean Pizza. As you can tell, pizza is a family favorite. Thankfully after this dinner, no one got sick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats all i get. 1 lousy mention about me. You should write a pargrapgh about how awesom i am.